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Time Management in IELTS

As we all know that IELTS is the game of time. Along with the other skills, this skill is also required to crack this test with good bands. In this era of fast life, time is the main thing that is difficult to manage. People are struggling hard to make it possible. As they say, ’time once gone, never comes back’ that is the reason which makes the person do as per the need of the hour. To manage time one must be systematic enough to start anything. For this he must be the follower of the motto, ‘a stitch in time saves nine’, but most of us do not even understand the real sense of these words that is why we are legged behind in the race of scientific researches and many other important fields.

To pace up with the world, everyone should at least try to be punctual. Those who have made this term, their motto of life, can do wonders in their fields. Students generally become fed up of the lectures on being punctual as they try their hard, make time tables but the problem is one only that they find it hard or sometimes impossible to stick to that time table. Here I have some practical solutions to this situation:

Try to start a bit early and the magic will be there to see that you are completing your tasks much early than you were expecting to. Best IELTS Institute in Gurgaon | PTE Coaching in Gurgaon

Remain in your schedule whatever be the situation. If you miss one task even then don’t bother, you will automatically save the time to do that at last. Best IELTS Coaching in Gurgaon

Do not watch the clock all the time for psychologically it creates fear of getting late to finish certain task.

Keep your cool even in the adverse situations like during examinations the more you become tense the more you will be late in attempting the questions.

Simply follow the formula you have heard in your childhood stories, yes I am asking you to follow the tortoise, go with steady pace and certainly the game will be yours. IELTS Coaching in Chandigarh

For reading practice the students are advised to follow the time management skills as they have to spend only 1.5 minutes for each question. In case the whole passage is not completed in 20 minutes even then he is supposed to move to next one. Otherwise he will not be able to attempt all 40 questions.

For speaking only make the notes when you are given with 1 minute to think. Never try to write the story. Best of luck!



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